Summer birthdays, barbeques and breezy nights by the water are all around the corner. Moonstones are a staple summer pick up believed to be good chakra for travelers at night and through water. As the heat keeps rising in the summer months lighter accessories brighten and liven any outfit. Looking for yourself or as a gift moonstone bracelets make a valued purchase. Moonstones are a delicate but sturdy stone bringing a punch of pzazz to a t-shirt and short set. Moonstones are also a great way to add a touch of summer to any outfit. In the summer sun the shimmering colors of a moonstone bracelet with the light colored body of the stone adds great detail to any style.

Moonstones brings calm glowing energy for healing. Moonstones bring a feminine quality with the iridescent glimmer seen from all different angles. The light airy stone is dazzling and versatile. Moonstone bracelets can be worn to a concert in the park, or to an after hours club. Moonstone bracelets are also great for all ages and both genders. That sounds like a bold statement but the range of style for moonstone bracelets covers the gamet. Even though the moonstone is known for its feminity it can be used in a masculine bracelet. Not to forget, moonstones are the stone of the zodiac Cancer June 21st- July 23rd birthdays!
In Roman times moonstones were thought to be pieces of the moon. Now we know, however, that moonstones are made up of feldspar, a mineral that makes up 45% of the earth’s core. What separates out moonstone from other feldspar is the adularescence quality in the stone. Adularescence being the shimmering sheen that changes color in the light that is so characteristic of moonstone. Moonstones gained their popularity around the early 1900s when moonstones were used a lot in jewelry. Art Nouveau and Art Deco are two styles that feature moonstones as the main stone.
Choosing the color
The color choice of the moonstone can help set the tone for the occasions you would wear the bracelet.
Rainbow moonstones are a nice eye catching choice. Rainbow moonstones, unlike other colors of moonstone, are not made of Feldspar but are pieces of translucent Labrodorite. The multi colored shimmering adularescence is what distinguishes the rainbow moonstone. Great for everyone the shimmering rainbow moonstone is subtle and sophisticated enough to pair with anything. From around the house to date night rainbow moonstone bracelets have you covered. They are shimmery and subtle enough for going to the office or to an after hours barbeque.
Blue moonstones tends to be the more desirable and better quality choices on the market. In looking for great blue moonstones look for vivid color with clear body in the stone. Also the adularescence, how much the sparkling sheen can be seen and from how far away, distinguishes the quality of the moonstones. Great for men and women blue moonstones are very versatile. Crisp and relaxing the mesmerizing blue moonstone makes for lovely summertime bracelets. Blue moonstones are the perfect way to take a part of the ocean with you wherever you go.
White moonstone bracelets make for a classic and glamourous gift, even if the gift is for yourself! White moonstones add a whimsical white airy balance to all outfits. White moonstone bracelets are great to wear at the beach or lounging around at home. White moonstones are known for their calmness and purity. White moonstone bracelets are a fresh and lively accessory.
Peach moonstone bracelets are a more saturated vivid color choice. Peach moonstones are also great for fertility and combine nicely with other stones. Peach moonstone bracelets go well with jeans or for a rainy day lift to an outfit. Peach moonstone bracelets are a great part of any day to evening look. Not quite as shimmering and sparkly as the other colors of moonstones, peach moonstones have a deep warmth in a summer stone body.
Choosing the set
Material defines the quality of the moonstone bracelet. Different materials are preferred for various looks and styles. With bracelets the range of materials to choose from is vast. Bracelets can be made form gold, silver, plated or filled, brass, leather, fabric or mixed material. When and where you plan to wear the bracelet, and budget are big factors in picking the right material. Especially in the summer months if you want the moonstone bracelet to be waterproof is an important thing to think about. Keep in mind chlorine is bad for your jewelry, it degrades the other metals in gold jewelry leaving them brittle. Salt water can leave a grime or residue on top of the stone. Clean moonstones gently with dish soap.
Choosing the style
Moonstone bracelets look great as beaded or wrap bracelets. There are various styles of bracelets to choose from bangle, charm, cuff, tennis, beaded, and wrap. Each style has a different overall look and feel of what you want in the feeling of the bracelet. Cuff and leather made bracelets are better choices for men. It is sometimes helpful to look at styles of bracelets you think you don‘t like to find something that catches your eye. Moonstone bracelets are a great summertime addition to a favorite t-shirt or summer dress.
Which arm or wrist to wear moonstone bracelet
Which arm to wear them on is also a great question. When using the chakra power of the moonstones wear the bracelet on your non dominant hand. Wearing the moonstone bracelet on your left side can aide in its healing properties. Wearing it with the right other bracelets and or watches will also help figure out what type of bracelet you are drawn to this season.
Moonstone bracelets are a great way to add a sparkling bit of glam to an outfit. Moonstone bracelets can have a rugged attitude beaded into a leather wrap or spunky personality made into a glistening shimmering bangle. Moonstone bracelets are the rage for summer time accessories because of the beautiful and enticing sparkling inner space of a moonstone paired with the light essence of the moonstone.