Red Jasper: Meaning, Properties & Uses
Red Jasper belongs to the family of Jasper gemstones. It is symbolized as a stone of power, strength, courage, protection, and stamina. It brings stability and balance to life. From…
Red Jasper belongs to the family of Jasper gemstones. It is symbolized as a stone of power, strength, courage, protection, and stamina. It brings stability and balance to life. From…
Sapphire is a common stone that everyone has heard of and seen, but what people don’t know is that sapphire comes in a variety of different colors, not just the…
These days purple gems are also referred to as sapphires. These gemstones belong to the trigonal scalenohedral crystal class as it crystallizes into a trigonal crystal system. It appears as…
For each person there is a color with which he identifies and feels comfortable, the same happens when a choice is made of the tourmaline that will accompany you and…
Green jasper, also known as “rain bringer”, is a light to a dark green colored gemstone. It has a trigonal crystal system and belongs to the mineral class of oxide;…
A natural stone, tourmalines are some of the most common stones in the crystal healing community. However, among the different colors of tourmaline, there’s the watermelon tourmaline. It is an…
Before talking about yellow jasper let me explain to you what are jaspers? Well, jaspers are considered to be powerful as well as sacred stones used for the protection of…
A natural stone, black tourmaline features high contents of ions, aluminum, lithium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Amongst the different colors of the tourmaline stone, black is one of the most…
Fascinating and mysterious, mystic topaz is a very unique gemstone with a very unique story. It started out as a bland, simple colorless topaz. Then, it is subjected to a…
Black Sapphire is a mineral variety of the Corindón group. In ancient times any blue gemstone was called sapphires. Currently, corundum of all colors, except for red, ruby, are called Sapphires….
Stones have been used as true talismans of power since ancient times. Some people even placed them at the entrances of their castles and palaces to ward off negative energies….
When we hear the word “gemstone”, we always conclude it’s all about luck. We expect for deeper meanings that could satisfy our curiosity. However, not all people have a belief…